Mmm first releases! Working from home, its nearly close of play. I know ... I'll update my work laptop.
OK I now have LXDE for a fall back WM so I can read stuff rather more easily than using links in a TTY and switched out SDDM for LightDM - I needed sddm-git to get LXDE to start up. SDDM now simply crashes and dumps core - no idea why. Oh and I have switched to Wayland because X11 no longer works for me. I might put off updating the wife's laptop for a while, at least until I've done my work desktop 8)
I must say its all rather pretty and smooth. Scrolling now has drag and acceleration, which is nice. I'm sure I'll get KRDC to talk to the sodding wallet so my 100s of RDP connections will work again. For now I'll call xfreerdp from the konsole. Perhaps I'll get around to configuring KeePassXC and get around to using that instead. I share several rather large .kdbx with the rest of the firm.
9th Jan ...
"A hell of an improvement especially for the AMD EPYC servers"
Look closely at the stats in the headers of those three tables of test results. The NICs have different line speeds and the L3 cache sizes are different too. IPv4 and 6 for one and only IPv6 for the other.
Not exactly like for like!