Yes ai is cool but it doesn't need to be in everything
If that happened to me I would go find the person with a certificates and just take mine and leave
Yes I have a steam deck but on my desktop I run arch
Endeavour is ok I just did like it that much I like that wallpapers
Garuda gave up on it in the installer like the look those jelly window should never be on by default and my ThinkPad Just Said No when I tried to install it I have a t480 I was testing it on there before I put it on my main pc
Manjaro I never got it to work properly just unstable there package installer is worse then discover (discover is not bad I just can't get it working when I install it)
I'm fine with people using arch bases distros I just don't use them and I won't force backs arch on anyone
I use arch you dum ass I just don't like arch based distros except steam
Sorry I get political when I don't sleep sorry about that
Good 1 less spyware app
Every time
Bruh its a TEST STAND TEST STAND this is not the Frist time a engine exploded on a test stand raptor engines in their development phase are supposed to explode. Elon musk has said if something doesn't explode then you did something wrong