For real - A cyber security company should basically always be pushing out updates.
Sure but that's specialist models.
Generalist models are stagnant and show little potential for progress.
I have a very handy command in my .vimrc for this -
command! JSON setlocal filetype=json | %!jq .
Anytime I'm in a json file that isn't formatted it's as simple as typing :JSON
to have it all sorted.
Yeah but most rpi projects don't need a powerful alternative. I don't need a full computer to run octoprint... But it's still too hard and pricy to get a RPi
I've used them and they're great
There's totally a use case for a peripheral like a watch... But it's only so you don't have to pull your phone out of your pocket.
Given it's a 3d print and cost about $0.60 to make each one...
Now if they made the STL as well then it makes more sense.
I mean the deadlock game is in invite only closed beta rn...
It's not really planning so much as "about to release to Early Access"
It's actually fascinating. Asymmetric keys with public keys hosted by the government and the private key in your ID.
A 4 digit pin1 code is required to use the authorization key and a 5 digit pin2 is required to use the signing key.
The average Estonian signs 50 documents per year using this method.
Idk if you watched the video but the reason it works is mentioned in the video, if not explored in detail.
You have a digital id and a digital signature that is tied to you as a citizen.
Each vote has to be signed with your personal voter signature.
Government biometric requirements really aren't a joke. They perform pretty regular audits and the liability of not deleting ID could be company ending.
They might not delete your biometrics, but I'd be shocked if they didn't. It's far more likely that they not only delete it but have an audit trail proving deletion.
This outage is probably costing a significant portion of Crowd strike's market cap. They're an 80 billion dollar company but this is a multibillion outage.
Someone's getting fired for this. Massive process failures like this means that it should be some high level managers or the CTO going out.