I see Hasan Piker and this is all I can think of
GTS 450 lol
please no, XFCE is my last refuge for machines too old to support Wayland
Italy vs Google: asshole fight, go!
I betcha a Feddit silver that If I ran through archinstall I’d run into some zany error not covered in the documentation
I love Arch, but it's disingenuous to say that the install process is as easy as Install? Done.
Imagine paying to have light over a rival’s apartment XD
I didn’t read the article fully and didn’t realize that the missing scissors were post security, I don’t know how an American airport would respond to this kind of event
Y’know, fair, I have reconsidered my point, I realized I don’t know how an American airport would respond to missing scissors after the gate, I’m certainly not motivated by some upvotes
Idk what you’d call it then lol, I’m a customer of theirs and I’m wholly unsatisfied with their service
I want every Vietnam themed game cut too, hell Spec Ops: The Line was already pulled due to music licensing IIRC