does appimage get added to the bottom left app menu? it doesnt for me
next theyll find out about coreboot and framework laptops lol
tried but it was funny, wouldnt lrt me doubld click into it and its ui was weirf
hi! have you foubd out if nvchad works on flatpak?
i tried copying and pasting into the config file in the flatpak but it just ignored them and recreated thw original flatpak filws?
does this all work for flatpak variants? i dont have to use ch mod for that but can i add it to the path and then add nvchad?
are ppas permanent? does my system scan for those addresses every update?
what is nerdfonts and dies linux mimt have it
does that work for flatpak and does nvchad work on the flatpak? can you test both to see if they work before you confirm cause yk how to do this stuff better than me. if nvchad doesnt work on flatpak, i'll try this! also how do i add those directories to path and how do i use the chmod command. getting used to this apologies!
and how do you do that