To be more concrete: security keys can communicate over USB or NFC. Just make sure it supports the protocol you want to use it for.
But there is also passkeys which is both software- and hardware based and is almost equally secure.
To be more concrete: security keys can communicate over USB or NFC. Just make sure it supports the protocol you want to use it for.
But there is also passkeys which is both software- and hardware based and is almost equally secure.
In Sweden most government provided services are accessible through a web browser, but you need "BankID" which requires Android. Which is kind of Linux, though not fully FOSS.
You're asking excellent and very relevant questions.
OP, take heed.
Do not get the L-models. They're cheap, have crappy build quality and I daresay that thinkpad skimps on the non-obvious parts that will hinder performance - even though the machine looks powerful on paper.
Put your money into a better product instead.
Don't thank me, thank Stallman. I stole it straight from straight him ;-)
That's good to hear. I assume the normal- and IR-cameras aren't working? The latter is nice to have, the former is a bit of must-have in today's remote work environment.
Surface wasn't meant to run linux. Its a struggle to get it working on them.
/owner of 3 defenestrated surface devices.
One thing protonpass does better then the competition is exporting your passkeys that is generated within it. AFAIK, bitwarden supports creating and authenticating with passkeys, but you cannot export them.
Tell meore about the obsidian plugin, dusbt know of it.
I am, specially after seeing how well it was implemented in the nightly version. It can't be compared to an extension that enables the same capability.
Got any guides on how to strip plasma down to the bare necessities? I have it on a machine with 4 GB RAM, but I don't know how to optimize it for such old hardware.