While it might not fit the vibe (and you might already know it), I feel like Songs of Conquest needs to be mentioned, being a Heroes spinoff. It's an interesting twist on the formula, with lovely graphics, some things streamlined and some interesting new mechanics (like the essences for spellcasting).
NSFW is probably a matter of instance and preferences (not sure if filtering NSFW might be enabled by default)
But star trek? What the hell? That seems to be one of the largest communities on the entire platform, and with high quality content and lots of interaction, how did you not see it? Is your instance defederated or something?
echo '🎁' | tee /dev/🏠
Thanks! I'm mostly confused by the post not linking anything, not sure if that's just a posting style I'm unfamiliar with, or if OP forgot to put a link in.
Was there supposed to be a link or something?
Anticheat is good. Intrusive anticheat, in this case kernel-level anticheat, is something that's being made only for windows that will stop you from playing a game on Linux and increase attack surface for your Windows.
Maybe PHP? Since it runs as a server and returns computed results in a browser... Though I'm pretty sure it'd just return the compiler error text
I'm sorry, but just one detail from what I'm seeing on the linked article - "that person" committed suicide a month before any of that went down. I don't think it invalidates the point, even though being alive and present to be interrogated might've changed things, but it comes off comical when talking about how horrible the experience must've been.
I'd say having a GUI is not inherently stupid. The stupid part is, if I understand it correctly, the GUI being a required component and the primary access method.
I feel like you're doing something wrong with the nullables... I'm pretty sure you don't need to mark up files, you can just enable it on the whole project? I'm not sure about the attributes, you might have a point there, but it just makes sense for value vs reference types IMO, since value types are already implicitly different in terms of nullability.
But yeah, I can imagine it's half-baked, since nullable reference types (that's the name, previously reference types were just nullable by default with no extra features) are a more recent addition to the language, one that wasn't built with them in mind.
Plasma on Wayland does have HDR support now... But I don't have a way to test how good it is, and I think it's both still unfinished and severely lacking support from applications. But hey, things are improving!
I wouldn't count on Adobe support though.
Can you get the money out on console though? I think that's what ultimately makes it gambling and why people are giving Valve shit about it, because you can trade in-game items for money using unofficial platforms (that go against the TOS, but are still out there)