Grapheneos with a dedicated profile with those China apps. Dont allow the profile to run in the background. Then just use tor with snowflake or one of the many methods of tor to bypass the firewall of China.
Opensuse TW. It is rolling release and rock solid. Also amazing btrfs implementation.
Or just straight up terminal. Automating things is so much easier that way.
A VPN is what you want, not VLANS that is used to segment parts of the local network. not to get your friends in too your local network.
A simple and easy to use solution is wireguard easy.
I would say Seagate Exos or Western Digital Ultrastar.
I know that their are great integrations on home assistant to monitor servers. Then you can make your own dashboard as you wish
Say you download from the clearweb then use a VPN. Then reseed that downloaded file straight to I2P.
Haha Yeah.
Adoption is the main problem. The more people that will use I2P the better. Also crosseeding helps a load to.
Frankly i found the Gentoo handbook much easier to follow then the arch wiki at the time I tried both. Just compiling everything takes a while to do.
Might want to take a look at a dedicated backup tool like Borg. It will keep all the proper permissions and file attributes in the backup.
Personally using rocky Linux. Which is essentially free rhel. It moves slower then fedora.