Nuclear Power is NOT green energy! Anyone who believes that bullshit is brainwashed...
With my Argentine premium account I don't see any ads...
There are some games that don't work (yet) but gaming on Linux has come a long way and keeps getting better! You would be surprised, what's possible right now, even Hunt: Showdown or other EAC protected games run now on Linux and yes even League of Legends! Adobe is a hard pill to swallow, because if you REALLY depend on Adobe... That's not gonna happen on Linux. But if you're willing and a little bit open minded to get out of your comfort zone you will not regret the feeling of using free software with your freed mind like Krita, Blender, Gimp, Darktable, etc.
There is a Plugin RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite) for Firefox, which could be run on the classic frontend of Reddit to delete everything you posted.
My top choice: KDE Plasma Wayland.
Nuclear energy produces waste that burdens present and virtually all future generations. There is no operating repository anywhere in the world. And even if there were, the question of the risks to future generations will always be one that, from today's perspective, can only be answered in a projection-based manner. Positing that the issues of final disposal and long-term safety for the next one million years have been technically solved is thus insufficient. (