No gold. It's what they charge us privileged Californians.
It's $210 a month plus $30 in taxes and fees for 400 mbit internet with a 1.2 TB usage cap and a mid-tier programming package renting one cable box (required) and one cablecard for the Tivo box. Some months I exceed my internet cap and have to pay $10 for every 50 GB over the limit. Welcome to California living.
Remember when TV used to be free, except that you had to watch commercials? I pay $2800 a year to this company for Internet and TV - and I still have to watch commercials. What's wrong with this picture?
Have a machine dedicated to gaming, no Internet access, with a swappable SSD. Make a clean OS install. Clone it to an external backup drive, then disconnect the backup. Install and play. If you want to play another game, format the drive, clone the OS from the external backup, install and play. If you want to play multiple games, have them on different SSD drives.
It's hardware sandboxing.
I can't seem to hold the phone without activating the touch screen. It's also much too slippery - I think they make them that way so you drop them more often. A case is an absolute necessity. And because the battery doesn't last the whole day, I have to carry around a power brick to charge it. I miss my Note 3 and the aftermarket case with the 8000 mAh replacement battery!
As a 6YO, you will have zero sex drive. You may have thoughts and memories, but no desire. You'll have to wait for hormones to kick in. We see this a lot in postmenopausal women. Zero sexual desire when the hormone factory shuts down.
Yes, you could memorize an almanac ala "Back to the Future". But sporting event outcomes are often dictated by random events that may or may not happen. Your best bet is to build on your own efforts based on generalized trends.
Assuming that the red pill lets me revert to a 6YO (thus preserving my knowledge), and not time traveling back to when I was 6, I might be tempted to do a lot of unethical stuff to make a ton of money, provide for my family, convert the remaining assets to BTC, memorize the wallet details, then take the red pill. As a 6YO, the government can't hold me responsible for my adult conduct.
If it's a time travel situation, there's no contest. Red pill after studying the history of inventions. Start out by inventing the Pet Rock (near zero initial investment), reinvest in the fidget spinner, Pokemon, D&D, and writing the scripts to all the blockbuster movies. Provide technical details to the right industries for a royalty. Invest heavily in the creation of the Internet, then start Facebook, Google, and Amazon, bypass the PC and jump straight to smartphones. I'd be the patent king of the world.
With the trillions of dollars, I'd heavily influence politics. I'd fully fund the campaigns of moderates, institute free Internet-based accredited college, set up work training programs to support industries I intentionally locate in depressed areas, and make most of my business non-profit. And maybe, just maybe, avoid the cesspool we have today.
Edited for spelling
I would 100% patronize a restaurant that had full transparency and decent no-frills food. They publicly post all their expenses and how much profit they make. Charge a table/dine-out fee, then actual cost of food and prep on top. Pay their workers in full, so no tipping required. Explain things like dining hours that help the business keep down costs.
I don't know how much your electric rate is, but a router or server that sucks down a hundred watts 24 hours a day may be a concern. An arcade machine would be my choice.