CNBC updated its story yesterday with additional factually inaccurate information.
While there may be a typo in one table of the initial TCEQ's public version of the permit application, the rest of the application and the lab reports clearly states that levels of Mercury found in non-stormwater discharge associated with the water deluge system are well below state and federal water quality criteria (of no higher than 2.1 micrograms per liter for acute aquatic toxicity), and are, in most instances, non-detectable.
The initial application was updated within 30 days to correct the typo and TCEQ is updating the application to reflect the correction.
It mostly just depends on how you want your desktop to look. They have screenshots of each on their website. Since it sounds like you have a new laptop, power won't be an issue for you. (If you were trying to run Mint on something with the power of a potato, a lighter DE would be a good idea.) Personally I love how Cinnamon looks and feels. It's pretty simple, but also modern and customizable.