Like windows for all games or just anti cheat games cause Linux gaming support is pretty great on most games that are not outright hostile towards it like kernel level anti-cheat games you should give it a try.
Isn't this how planet of the apes started. I would say humans had a good run but honestly we really didn't. I welcome being replaced by apes. Hopefully they do a better job than we did.
Obsidian is not open source but i also think it's pretty neat.
The point being made is really just the identity of user being tied to User@domain.tld vs @handle it seems like that concept has died with Web 2.0. Only thing I would improve of the fediverse. If communities could be merged with when a group of instances agree to form a network. Like how IRC does it with channels. I mean yeah there would be netsplits from time to time but it would cut down on duplication and increase the traffic of niche communities like the benefits of central platforms get but it's still distributed.
Yeah just like an iPhone when the battery starts to go. You buy a new one and they "recycle" (sell in a poorer country or landfill)
It was engineered in the 1930's i keeping telling people to look into James W. Fifield Jr him with National Organization of Manufacturers (NAM) that put capitalism above Jesus in American Christianity. They did this becase churches pushing socialist community programs and collective bargaining. scared the hell out of robber barons liked JP Morgan and Joseph Pew. There is a unbroken line between Fifield and the people behind trump.
that workflow seems fine if it works for you. seems overkill for debian but if it works i don't see anything wrong with it.
one way I do it is dpkg - l > package.txt to get a list of all install packages to feed into apt on the new machine then to setup two stow directories one for global configs. when a change is made and one for dot files in my home directory then commit and push to a personal git server.
Then when you want to setup a new system it's install minimal install then run apt install git stow
then clone your repos grab the package.txt run apt install < package.txt then run stow on each stow directory and you are back up and running after a reboot.
you can if you pick a site and select always open this site in this container then make shortcuts that opens for each site. it will automatically open the correct containers for each icon
Firefox supports containers tabs built in under settings enable container tabs
you have way more Faith than me. 3 months after I have bought played and beaten a game that is titled Half Life 3. then i might start to believe it's real. I wait the 3 months to make sure Valve doesn't Delete the game from my stream account and send men with those memory wipe things from men in black movies after I play it. For all i know they have already done it.
Yeah I don't really notice as I stopped playing multi-player games after quake 3 and I just keep playing quake 2 and Doom