How can you be forced to input a pattern/PIN?
Nintendo Power would disagree
There are very little, if any, benefits to using a VPN service to browse the public internet.
This is why it's often best to just avoid the comments completely
It would take a super genius to understand that they're either a non-native English speaker or made a simple typo/autocorrect issue. Also, since it's completely impossible to even guess at the point they're trying to make through the context of every other word in their comment we all owe you a debt of gratitude for calling this out!
Thank you,, for adding something incredibly meaningful to the conversation and the world as a whole!
Oh no.. I just saw this comment in a different thread from 2 hours ago, and it MAKES NO SENSE:
Doctors today face a demand form their services that, while we can't guarantee will get them.jigher wages, can give them more leeway against unwritten political rules of speech.
What is a doctor's "demand form?" And "them.jigher" isn't a term I could find anywhere on the internet! I don't understand what the author,, was trying to say! It's all just gibberish!
I feel good calling it out though. I'm sure that will be grateful for my much-needed help and not think I'm a dick for detracting from their point to assert my knowledge of English grammar over them.
Neat, there's a second epilogue update in the game that I can't get past the second level.
You can't fix the problems caused by capitalism with capitalism. Those homeless people employed by that beautiful company in your made up example don't have a home because companies and the governments they write the laws for value profit over human life. Homelessness is overwhelmingly a mentally health issue which becomes an addiction issue, but here in the US all health care, much less mental health care, is a for-profit venture. And the open market that you seem to respect so much has made renting and home ownership unattainable for countless millions.
You sound like everyone else who believes everything they learned in econ 101, that capitalism rights itself because it's in people's best interests to do so. You're out of touch with the reality of so many peoples lives, and you only emphasized it with your fantasy about "good capitalism." You can blame all of Lemmy or all the "brainwashed" people who tell you how far your perception of reality is skewed, but I hope you can continue learning about what life is like for people who don't have your privilege or luck and are moved to reconsider your stance.
Greed and lack of empathy
That's what keeps capitalism humming along. It's why a few people own most of everything and the "lucky" Americans will be forced to work until they die. What point were you trying to make when you attempted to correct them by saying that's not capitalism?
Everyone knows what the trolley problem is about. I think it's you who's missing the point. Instead of blindly accepting the unacceptable solutions that are offered, come up with your own, better solution.
I don't know if you understand the point. I and other users have tried to help. If you have any more specific questions, just ask.
If labeling it helps you to understand it, sure.
It's literally what the song says. On the first day, I got a partridge in a pear tree. On the second day, I got 2 turtle doves and a partridge in a pair tree.
If you think the gifts weren't given recursively it's because you believe it should be that way, not because you're paying any attention to the lyrics as they're written.