Edit: I just summoned pipedbot
If you have 7470
tabs open then where should i find mute button...
Nope. Its not the definition of open source. Its the defenition of "source availiable"
Real open source defenition : https://opensource.org/osd
Real Free Software defenition : https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.en.html
Have a good read. If you want tl;dr, here is it
Open source is a developement methodology in which software is licensed with the permission for everyone to collaborate and develop it. Anyone has the freedom to modify and contribute to it.
Free software is a matter of freedom. It refers to the 4 essential freedoms a software should have, that is freedom to use, modify, share copies and share modified copies for the community however you want without restriction.
FOSS is software that fits both theese defenitions. While practically almost all free software are open source and almost all open source software are free software, but there are few exeptions
That doesn't make if foss though. That doesn't make it either Free or Open Source.
This meme is about Free/Libre and Open Source Software(FLOSS) and GNU+Linux
But its essentially an LGBTQ version and not a "maintained version of neofetch"
Fuck. I don't measure the distance on minutes
Hmm "last year" data might be very different over 100 years. It tends to increase towards later dates so its weird to assume its constant
Nah Mac OS looks far more ugly than GNOME imo
Reliability? Gnome maybe stable... per version! New resease? New breaking change! Screws all your extension and themes, and removes certain features because its "a decade old" or something.