I saw that in the reddit thread I like codium have been using it for ages and have a bunch of plugins I like.
Huh? Use chatgpt to generate training data to train another ai? Thats pretry common actually I believe even mistral does that hence why u need somthing like dolphin to remove the alignment by openai.
What about all those fancy new laptops that are built like smartphone that can never be opened do they have CMOS batteries? Ive never thought if this till now.
If u release an api for it u can still use that to make training data to beat it.
The whole ai dangerous rhetoric is bullshit invented by openai google microsoft etc to kill foss ai with legislation so they can maintain hold on their monopoly. The only thing theg fear is free ai in the hands of the people.
I doubt they delete it.
What about photography? Can i use this to demand the removal of my likeness from meta google etc
Ive been adding with some app i found on fdroid but i feel my efforts are just a very tiny drop in a very very large bucket.
Not sure how figuratively there good friend Epstein is tho.
Been using osmand unfortunatly it doesnt have numbers on streets and can't plan public transport.
All i want them to do is break chrome and search into 2 companies.