I've got some lemons, let's have a party and scrub the things from your brain that you've seen and leave a nice citrusy scent instead. We can call it a lemon party.
I think I'm unintentionally replying to all your comments specifically. Every adult needs cooking classes. Most of us were taught basic home cooking, which is fine, but knowing a little bit more about how to actually saute can really change your eating habits for the better.
Try searching for "Traffic Light Party" or "Stop Light Party". Bars/clubs don't usually do it as a continual thing now but some still host them as special events. Heck, if you can find a place that has done it in the past you could always just ask them if they've thought about doing another.
It can be a little bit of a pain making new friends as an adult, but it's totally doable. If you make yourself available you'll find em. I found what works for me (30s dude) is to just ask. A friend complaining about having to go to a cousin's wedding? Just ask if you can join and try to make it fun. Then just start listening to conversations and joining in. Doing that I met one guy who does music production on the side for local bands and because of one comment we got talking about AI (something I've done some small work with) and how I thought it would impact him in the near future. He reached out through a mutual acquaintance to get my number and is planning to now invite me to his wedding next year.
I've got more examples but feel I'm rambling. My friend group had majorly shrunk when I moved two ish years ago and I just went through it. Even adults with kids like friends and can become good ones.
At least four years ago (or whenever right before Covid started. I'm so bad with time) my 25 year old cousin in law went to a string of speed dating events. They still exist. Heck. I just duckduckgo'd "my state speed dating" and in about twenty seconds found ten within a 30 minute drive over the next month.
Spent a lot of time with engineers, but am not one myself. Most grinding discs and things that wear stuff down have a surface made to rip in, and higher opposed friction. Think sandpaper, it digs into a surface with those hills from the grit, and uses the friction to then drag through cutting the surface and removing material.
With this floor, it looks like the wheels are smooth, so all though there's some friction, it isn't a cutting action. There's also the fact that their friction is unopposed and can actually move the person, so the energy gets converted into movement, not the cutting force that would grind things down.
They really are just tiny treadmills, the only reason they're discs is so they can be tilted to change the direction the "treadmill" is going to push you. If the disc is tilted to the right, the left most edge is going forward, if the disk is tilted to the left, that right edge is moving backwards. Otherwise exact same principle as a treadmill of creating friction to move the object on it.
Hope that helps some. Diagrams would probably help more.
This is why all of my gaming groups just start with an orgy and get that out of the way right off the bat. Everyone gets everything. Sex communism solves all. (Major /s if not obvious)
Most say it because they remember when Netflix had everything. It was a nice easy one stop shop and they want that again. Maybe it would need to be more extensive, sure, but every company stopped agreeing to license to Netflix because they wanted a larger peace of the pie. Sure they have the right, but people also have the right to not like it.
starts seeding.
Immediately remembers data cap he keeps running into
Sadly stops seeding
It can often be how you go about it. If you just dive in and start talking to them, even if well intentioned and you literally do just want to talk to someone new about whatever, because of all those past experiences of guys only trying to do that to get with them, they'll see you as probably just another one of those creepos.
It's a dance, and it's an annoying one at times for sure, and it takes practice. If you can recall the last time you tried to strike up a conversation, or next time it happens, afterwards, really stop and think about it from the other person's perspective. If you know a woman you trust, try asking her to go over the whole interaction with you.
In college I was a major incel neckbeard loser and truly was the epitome of the green text above. I'm not proud of it. I took a chance and asked a few women I knew why I kept being single and lonely and if they could advise. They did exactly that for me. Took me through some of my interactions, explained where I went wrong, and helped me reframe my thoughts. I now am pretty much always able to strike up a conversation wherever I'm at.
TL:DR - find someone you trust to walk you through the why. You got this