The feature creep is a feature, not a bug. They want to be in a perpetual state of early access. They realize that it brings them more money than actually releasing the game and everybody being disappointed.
Just think of the hype of Cyperpunk 2077 before launch and after launch. Before launch, people would be willing to sacrifice their first-born child to play the game. After launch, the hype completely evaporated into scorn.
Right now, there's an executive battle to wrestle control of the company away from the original founders. While the founders are probably a bunch of rich assholes, they want to go back to being privately-traded with Tencent's help, and the alternative is so much worse: venture capitalists in a publicly-traded stock market. They have been driving their IPs into the ground, due to overexposure (looking at you, Assassin's Creed). No doubt this whole face-to-face decision was bought on by the capitalist assholes trying to sabotage the company and distract the public from what's actually going on.