Calm as Hindu cows
Ugh, I was looking forward to replacing Thunderbird/Bridge, but never mind.
I think the feature has been disabled in the latest versions of Discord. There are other site threads about it speculating that they are "testing something." Testing being a shittier app, maybe.
And my Wi-Fi password is still 6buttwiener9
Mm, yes. Exciting.
Nobara released it a couple days ago. I updated yesterday and it seems good.
A new cube user in 2024. Checkmate, atheists.
"Alright, now that I'm logged in to my cloud terminal account, let me enter my root password for sudo."
I'm not much of a distro hopper, but I have tried a few, and somehow both my desktop and laptop have landed on Fedora...
-b gets all logs for the current boot, -k shows kernel messages (what dmesg gives).
I got ROCm to work on a 7800XT after fixing some Python errors. It was quite unstable though.
Alright who is in the Discord and can tell us if it's actually 4chan or not