Will they return the master-slave terminology? It's actually funny how the Newspeak wheel is turning.
Is there anything important left in Africa that is not owned by China?
Didn't Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta all donated much more to Harris than to Trump? It's more like he got elected despite the big tech influence. Which explains why he's saying against them.
It has everything to do with national security, they just don't consider common people as part of their nation same as slaves weren't.
There are plenty mistranslations in politics done by humans already.
Probably because luck actually plays little role in being rich. Without luck those born rich will still be rich. With luck those born poor will still be poor.
Not really, they will show that so many people visited the site, they already have so much potential customers.
Talking about steam, steam-powered things are 2 thousand years old at least and we still use the technology when we crack atoms to make energy.
Why does he need suicide watch uniform? Are they planning to Epstein him?
Well it's obvious that the registrar is to blame. Anyone can send emails requesting the takedown. The registrar shouldn't do it. Are Funko and Brandshield scummy? Yes, but they are not who took down itch, it was the registrar. Also Funko calling anyone's mother is fucked up.
You say it like it's okay to do if you are not fucking massive.
Meh, might need to change it in the future if the commie government comes to power.