i asked my first aid instructor about DNR and he responded with a very firm "you didn't see it".
literally the least efficient in terms of cost and time.
battery backed renewables are a fraction of the price and are being deployed right now.
edit: the tech is cool as hell. go nuts on research reactors. nuclear medicine has saved my sisters life twice.... but i'm sorry, its just not a sane solution to the climate crisis.
have you considered printing your own money?
selling shovels in a gold rush
sure its fun to shit on public servants being old and not wanting to change from microsoft office. there is more then a little truth in that.
but IT departments are often staffed with techs that cant and dont want to do anything but microsoft, it really doesnt matter how much better linux is.
that's exactly what they are "evaluating" now along with "biometric (age and voice) estimation".
government, politicians and media are constructing a parallel reality for themselves.