This was most likely posted by a kid who just thinks Unix is “old” Linux and doesn’t understand the roots of what it actually means in terms of computing.
My digital library isn’t going anywhere. It’s all on hard drives I have control over.
Guys out here sending BMPs…
Gives new meaning to “face palm”
Rapid scheduled deconstruction
I’ve come to the conclusion, people who use vim just continue to do so out of a stubborn sense of pride for finally learning the key combinations.
Cool cool, so who will be paying for the time to archive it, the medium the archive it to, and the accessibility should someone else want to access it? I mean I can put a copy on a floppy disk and keep it in my desk and say it’s archived.
My thought was the reverse. Figured it was in mainline and the betas haven’t fixed it. If it gets fixed, it’d probably be in the beta first.
Confirmed it exists even in 18.1 Beta 2. Reloads faster than I can even time it though.
Gabe too.
You know longer tweet out your tweets. You “X-creet” your “X-crement”