> What do you agree with about Marx?
just off my head:
- the labor theory of value
- surplus value
- freedom
- that the means of production should be owned by the community
- democracy (from what I remember he was kinda democtratic, please correct me)
> What do you agree with about Marx?
just off my head:
well, then I'm an "anti-marxist" I wouldn't really like to put it that way tho, since I agree with him on a lot of things
also sry for twisting things, it's been a long time since I read marx
I don't belive marx to be really auth, since he was striving for a stateless society, I just disagree with him on how we get there
so I'm not exactly an anti marxist, but neither a marxist
my argument isn't that marx isn't left (especially since I've read his later works), nor that auth-left isn't left... just that I'm an anti authotitarian leftist
ik, it's just that I'm anarchist left
when they say they're left, but then they're authoritarian
there are nazis everywhere, I don't know your intents, but this meme supports a certain imperialist nation, that attacks its neighboring countries and is lead by a dictator advocating for queerphobia and classism
thx for refreshing my memory, I should totally read it again, it's been almost 20 years now