Still awesome! Am halfway through an immersive mode playthrough in prep for Ashlands!
Nebula is a creator run coop, I believe. I'm happy to pay for that, and do.
I have crowdsec on a bunch of servers. It's great and I love that I'm feeding my data to the swarm.
Yeah. And the worldbuilding isn't great. Like the magic system is wide but not deep, and isn't well integrated into the society. I'd rather they cut it down to like ten spells and actually had them feature in the world. Some spells are absolutely bonkers in the effect that they would have on the economy, for instance transmutation and "summon sword".
I also have criticisms of Skyrim. I mean, it's fine, and genre defining, bit doesn't hold up super well.
I don't even have a licence. I'd take it. Those gave pretty okay resale value. ^_-
Gotta get a bakfiet for that.
It's a tweet, Michael. What could it be worth, ten dollars?
Don't worry, they made one for you. :p
Quite a few gamers who wouldn't give a shit about those people, but for whom the red mist would descend about some game mechanic or another.
Those might be regulatory reference cans, I think those are often highly priced
Eeeeeevery sperm is saaaaacred...