
joined 11 months ago
[–] -3 points 10 months ago (2 children)

What if we compare that to human related injuries?

I bet more people were killed by other human drivers today. Probably another right now...

I'm not excusing lack of tech safety, but I think there's a double standard not in context.

[–] 13 points 10 months ago

For all information workers who can do our job anywhere, I thoroughly enjoy watching companies go to shit after they pull RTO. So, I definitely enjoy seeing studies that back this up with metrics, performance data, financials, etc.

Some people are stuck with these employers, due to some life circumstances. I am sorry to anyone who either lost their new found freedom and the work/life balanced they probably always wanted, but didn't know they could have.

Some people are lucky and can move on, and every time someone does, it reenforces the idea that people won't tolerate having a boot on their neck, or maybe they care less about greed and stuff and more about balance. To each their own.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Nah, you'd just document your intended changes next time, route those through a group and bosses to sign off on them, then get to claim everyone approved your screw up next time :)

[–] 3 points 10 months ago

It's not always about towers and signal.

There's call routes and service monitoring involved.

Call routing still has to happen to get you to 911. Service monitoring still happens to try directing your 911 call to another 911 dispatch center. If those two functions are broke, you get nothing no matter what.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

They don't always own the tower. Like everything in America, another company fronts the cost, att pays them for tower use. And the other carriers. It's a business model.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

Our firstnet was also down. That defeats half of the reason for it, the other being dedicated against network congestion.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

I agree.

On the other hand, cellular is pretty much critical infrastructure at this point with no pay phones. Also it took down some 911.

[–] -1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I suggest you frame the issue incorrectly as well.

First, I dont disagree with the notion that cellular networks are now critical infrastructure, and need extra regulation. They have some, but indeed they are still a for profit entity. There will always be motivation for making money in bad ways when culture pushes that the only thing that matters is investment returns and bottom lines.

Second, trying to tie government competency to political parties is ridiculous. I'll accept shenanigans and policy, sure. I have worked in a form of government for twenty plus years. There's all political types and all competency. There are some really good ones, and a lot of super shitty ones. Why a lot? Because they'd absolutely be fired for underperforming in the real world.

There is zero incentive to do anything well, fast, thorough, efficient, etc in government. We buy worse products, more expensive because of trying to support disabled small businesses as an example. You can't buy things you need if you didn't get it all at once, do with out. We waste money if there is any extra because of use or loose budgets. People spend millions of dollars on contracts where it was the wrong product or the right product that was missing a feature because the contracting office doesn't know shit about what you need, and they overlooked a line item. They will never be fired. They are hard core whatever party you are. I'm assuming more D since you've been clear about shittimg on R.

Anyone who asserts government can do better has never worked in government. It can however ensure things are done, shitty or not, like Medicare/Medicare. The fraudulent claims are mostly uncaught because the people working there are also overworked, under paid, under resourced, and constrainted by policies, and political shenanigans.

Third, I don't like greed either, but not every instance of something's wrong can be solved by shitting on a political party. I hate both, but I don't feel the need to tie everything to one of them.

Also, you might check this conversation:

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

Don't forget:

There's my regular irritation with capitalism, and then there's kicking it up to full Lemmy. Never go fully Lemmy...

[–] 6 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

LOL, Gemini is already spitting out reverse biased founding fathers. This is going to be spectacular...

[–] 4 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Agree with all.

Will take a significant change for things to revert back IMO.

There's that saying that comes to me, similar to... hard men make good times, good times make soft (greedy/morally bankrupt) men, soft men make hard times.... Now just take the non-gender / misogynistic verson of that as needed :)

[–] 4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Congratz, you found a really shitty malware.

I don't think that's lockbit quality.

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