Sexual assault victims have a time limit. Copyright infringement "victims" do not. Tracks.
you think that I'm in favor of everything I'm not currently talking about?
who picks what habits are good and what are bad? who decides what happens to data beyond this? can you going to mcdonalds twice a day be shared with your health insurer? can you going to that rally be shared with the local police? with your landlord? are you comfortable with everyone knowing everything? because there's two things you do with data: analyze, and sell.
Patch your spotify install to get free premium. If they're gonna raise prices and lower what they pay musicians, there's no valid reason not to.
Alexa, play John Mellencamp - Ain't That America
I never understood why that phrase was ever used as if it were an excuse.
A thought-terminating cliche is a rhetorical device intended to end a discussion without actually resolving it. The idea is to say something that the other party more or less has to agree to without regard to whether it actually has any bearing on the discussion at hand, and then refuse to discuss further. This makes it seem like the discussion is over and, as the last person who scored a point, you've won. "It's just a few bad apples" is one. "Let's agree to disagree" is another. Trump almost singlehandedly invented one in the phrase "fake news", which is ostensibly intended to mean "I don't trust the source of that information" but is often used in an infinite regression where everything unfriendly to the arguer is fake news. It's basically a deus ex machina for arguments; a way to escape a corner you've been backed into without ever admitting that you were wrong about anything.
this one is just trigger-happy incompetence, but the phrase "a few bad apples" ends with "spoil the whole barrel" and the police are a perfect example of that. The way they close ranks and try to protect one another from responsibility for really egregious shit means that not every cop is a criminal, but that every cop ignores crimes that other cops commit.
my wife’s friend is a big believer in “not all cops” and “only a few bad apples”
does your wife's friend know how the phrase "a few bad apples" ends?
Looking forward to when taxpayers who did absolutely nothing wrong have to pay a 7 figure settlement to you for your medical damages and a second 6 figure settlement to the officer for wrongful termination and then a further 5 figures a year to the officer in disability payments for the trauma he went through in having to shoot and kill an unarmed man who was on his knees with his hands in the air and sobbing (TW - that last link is the body cam for the murder of Daniel Shaver, don't click it unless you like utter depravity and really high stakes games of Simon Says).
can confirm. source: did this 3 separate times