Every couple days someone seems to post something that is essentially shilling for billionaire back social media in the fediverse and I don't understand it. If you all love Meta and BlueSky so much, surely you would want to protect them and keep them as they are? Instead of boring us with this bullshit, why not post there?
And as for the conversation about how Meta's logo is more recognisable and scalable, have a word with yourself. If Meta were as good citizens as you're painting them to be, why would they start out by trying to change things that are established and recognisable?
Glad you're sorted!
They made a breaking change to the Postgres database a couple versions back. Check that.
Seems a massive update. Let me go and install it.
~~Wasn't this posted yesterday?~~
Edit: not here
So who is involved in this so far?
Yeah, I was going to say it was disingenuous to suggest theirs no interest in it from the developers.
Threadiverse existed before Meta started their thing.
An AliExpress account is something everyone should have. The savings are wunderbar!
Thought you were taking the piss. Turns out they're real things.
As far as I know they only do two versions, WiFi and PoE. Both can work without connecting to any of their services: