Check out Silver Bullet.
Some of the nicer models of UPS have little servers built in for remote management, and also communicate to their tenants via USB or Serial or Emergency Power Off (EPO) Port.
You shouldn't have to write a script that polls battery status, the UPS should tell you. Be told, don't ask.
Ingress and egress costs are real and those assholes attached images to their spam. Hundreds of posts coming in at 700kb a pop does damage if you're relying on a cloud provider to store your shit. Then, it gets accessed by all your users.
Billing alarms go bing bing bing.
That might just be how it looks when you cram a foreign language into Google Translate for images
I took have a nginx reverse proxy, ddclient, PiHole on a dedicated Pi behind the router and in front of literally everything else.
"Give us $40 USD to talk about the thing you made."
Bold strategy, how'd that work out?
This is super cool.
"We don't know how to rate limit our API or set billing alarms in the AWS console."
"... and some, I assume, are good people."