that's it: CPU: WM8650 800Hz Memory:DDR 256MB and information about screen. Literally
joined 9 months ago
maybe you have some instructions?
that's it: CPU: WM8650 800Hz Memory:DDR 256MB
It's information on back cover
I just can't find
I did the same
You know what? prosodyctl register USER HOST [PASSWORD] this form just don't work for me, but when I tried prosodyctl register USER HOST and then enter password - IT WORKS! But I still enabled registration, but it doesn't work. allow_registration = true and module "register" enabled by default
I just followed this tutorial. I use my computer as a server. Sorry if I'm not telling you something, I'm just a newbie and don't know what information might be useful.
already have one old pc :)
aren't there extensions for this?
I know the linux basis. That's all.
I know :D