I’ve cancelled Netflix. Just wasn’t using it enough for the price. Instead I will entertain myself by downloading Linux distributions on BitTorrent.
Well, sort of.
If he chooses to install an atomic distribution, for example, he might have a simpler time ensuring that he can help undo any curiosity damage his kids may have wrought.
If you fund, you influence.
Scale. Look at a programming language like Zig … tiny, but managing to have three people full time.
- My self-hosted docker server is called Ark.
- My NAS is called NAS.
- The two remote servers are simply called the name of the country they reside in.
- The OPNsense router is called, wait for it, Router.
- The TV client is called TV.
It’s not very colourful :)
Ah right. I was totally unaware.
https://restoreprivacy.com/private-internet-access-kape-crossrider/ for those that want to read a bit more.
What’s wrong with PIA’s track record?
The US is hugely protectionist. Started under Trump, continued under Biden.
I mean in trade disputes it often does.
But you do realise there’s a difference between a business owning some data about its users in a well regulated democracy and the Chinese state having free access to a tonne of personal data about a vast amount of people in the West?
Also, I presume you are aware that China prohibits the export of data on Chinese citizens to western servers.
While it’s not exactly important who started it, China started it.
I haven’t done this myself because it’s obviously very illegal, but I’ve been told you set up a server with docker and set up the following containers:
But what do I know? I haven’t done it myself and only download large Linux distributions because I love distro-hopping.