Glad you see it as well. It's so fundamental to how they engage online, the hypocrisy becomes them.
That's considered a service problem (fyi).
I wouldn't blame the mushrooms here... menyal illness is going to do mentally ill things.
You are so clearly the exception is should not even have to be made clear.
I've got a variant of this one about 15 times (minus the picture of my house). I sometimes read it out to my partner for the luls. I never keep a web cam attached to my computer, so I find it even more hilarious with the details they go into about my jerking activities and the questionable porn I watch (everything I enjoy is insanely tame lol)
In use an add-on that does 90% of these for me already on Firefox. I would tell you what it's called but I'm not at my PC.
Which (on a side note) I'd totally go downstairs and check for you, but I just sprained my ankle real bad, and am dreading stairs. Sorry :(
Windows 10. It's easy to use and never breaks. I miss elements of windows 7, but overall I think 10 is more stable.
I did not like Ubuntu when i used it.
Of all the shit wrong here, that bomber jacket sticks out the most for me
Holy shit, blocking you has put a smile on my face.
Ummm, lol. You are so very wrong, but whatever internet person.
Lol,fucking great one.
Lol what? No don't bother, something is wrong here, and I'm not engaging with you ever again.