Probably it should only do so if the link is actually being hyperlinked which doesn't happen for blockquoted text, so I guess it's probably a Lemmy bug.
For users, this tight integration was incredibly convenient.
In Firefox, I have had any search starting with "gm" set up to do a Google Maps search. So "gm Omaha" will go to Omaha.
That is, I create a bookmark that's aimed at:
and then in the Bookmark Manager, set the keyword to "gm".
Kagi -- which uses bang prefixes to do searches on external sites -- appears to have done the same thing on the service side with "!gm". So "!gm Omaha". (They normally have their own, OpenStreetMap-based map thing, but if you want to do Google Maps, that'll do it.)
EDIT: For some reason, the Lemmy Web UI seems determined to convert "%s" to "%25s" in the URL above, and I can't seem to find an escape sequence that avoids that. It's intended to just be "%s".
Just to be sure that this isn't driven by misunderstanding, do you specifically require a smaller printer, or do you simply want to be able to print on A5 paper? Are you sure that a mini printer that can print on US Letter or A4 can't print on A5?
I haven't used a mini printer, but I think that all of the traditional printers that I've used can handle smaller paper -- the paper size is just a maximum that the feed system can handle. I'd assume that getting a larger-format mini printer will probably also be capable of doing A5.
Kagi lets you blacklist individual domains yourself, but I think what OP is asking is "is there a search engine that identifies and blacklists AI generated content itself".
I think that the answer is probably that yes, probably all search engines try to block spam websites of any sort, AI-generated or no, and will do so all the time, or at least downrank them. Trying to present relevant, useful material at the top of the results is basically the business that search engines are in.
Now, do any do so to a level sufficient to fully eliminate them? I'd guess not. SEO spammers have been trying to pollute top results with their hits for about as long as search engines have been around, and trying to cheaply bulk-generate content that looks like something that the user might want is just the latest form this takes. My guess is that that'll be a cat-and-mouse game for some time to come.
The problem, apparently, was that the Serve robot wasn't a pedestrian. Waymo told TechCrunch that its driver system had seen the delivery bot and correctly identified it as an inanimate object — and such is the disdain the autonomous vehicle harbors towards its Fellow Robot — so it didn't exercise the level of caution it would around human beings as it's programmed to do.
And so that was why all the robots made after 2024 were made to look like humans.
That said, game studios are getting out of Russia as well.
Yeah, I've noticed that, but I do wonder how much of that is "we legally moved headquarters, but subcontract back into Russia".
Like, you listed DCS:
Following Tishin's death in 2018,[14] Eagle Dynamics moved its headquarters to Switzerland, with multinational employees and contractors in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, the United States, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain and elsewhere.
I remember reading some articles a bit back about Rolls-Royce subcontracting British nuclear submarine software back into Belarus and Russia.
Britain’s nuclear submarine engineers use software that was designed in Russia and Belarus, in contravention of Ministry of Defence rules, The Telegraph can reveal.
The software should have been created by UK-based staff with security clearance, but its design was partially outsourced to developers in Siberia and Minsk, the capital of Belarus.
I'd kind of think that scrutiny is probably less on video games than on defense contractors doing classified work on nuclear submarines, and if it can happen in the latter case...
Gorelkin said that Russian consoles aren't being designed only to play ports of hundreds of old, less-demanding games. He added that they should primarily serve the purpose of promoting and popularizing domestic video game products.
The fundamental problem here is that software is an example of a product that has high fixed costs, low variable costs.
For products like that, scale matters a lot, because you can spread the fixed costs over many units.
Russia just isn't that big.
Maybe it'd work if they can find something unique that Russian video game players really badly want that other people don't care about much, so that desire is being unmet by production elsewhere.
Honestly, foreign sanctions might be the most-helpful route to make domestic production for the domestic market viable, since I don't know how many official Russian localizations of foreign-made games will happen as things stand, and I assume that there are a substantial number of people in Russia who are going to need a game in Russian language to play it. I mean, people might be able to do some fan translations, but...
Foreign sanctions are also, I'd think, going to make it harder to get a successful export product working for Russian developers. I don't know to what extent it impacts them, but it can't be helpful.
If you look at this list:
It's not massive, and a lot of what's there isn't really top-notch stuff. There are some Russia-originating games that I like. Il-2 Sturmovik: 1946 is a world-class combat flight sim. But it's part of a family of military simulation games that, from my past reading, benefited from a sorta unique situation. When the Soviet Union broke up, a lot of military spending got sharply cut, and a lot of military experts were suddenly looking for a job. There were a number of video game companies that picked some of them up as consultants to make military sims. That's probably not going to show up again.
And I cannot imagine that the fallout from this conflict will improve Russian consumer spending capability over time, so it's probably even harder to do a game oriented at the domestic market than would otherwise be the case.
He said that he's exhausted his drive enclosures:
The desktop has no more open SATA ports or drive enclosures, so I’m not sure what the best option for adding more drives is.
So I guess he could use eSATA and some kind of external enclosure or something, but he's gonna need more than just throwing more drives in the desktop and adding a PCI SATA controller card to get more places to plug 'em in.
I use a USB-attached drive array for some bulk, low-throughput storage. I've been happy with this, except for one thing that I didn't think about prior to getting mine: a considerable number of these, including mine, do not have the option to power on after power loss. This is extremely obnoxious if you use or have any intention of using the computer remotely and would like it to come back up after power loss. For me, it was the only component that couldn't be brought back up automatically.
I'm in the process of switching to one that does right now, but I'd mention it to you to as something to keep in mind.
I considered a NAS as well myself, but didn't want it for a couple of reasons:
I am generally not happy about having a lot of hardware that can potentially phone home on a network. The drive array is isolated, and I control the PC (well, short of the BIOS/firmware/etc).
I had an existing machine that could perfectly reasonably serve the stuff that had adequate uptime. If you're going to be serving content to friends, you may not want to be using, say, a desktop that you use for other things, since if you need to reboot it, you're going to interrupt their use.
Trying to understand whether NASes have implemented things securely worries me. There are a number of cases where I've been unpleasantly surprised before with network transport of data (e.g. when I looked at it at one point, SMB having secure authentication but then shipping the actual data over the network in plaintext).
Also not sure how long the NAS gets security updates.
Also sometimes companies have been purchased by other companies or tried to get creative in figuring out ways to make more money from existing customers, like having routers insert ads in webpages. If the product can't touch the network, the issue doesn't come up.
One reason that I would consider getting a NAS over DAS is if you want the server to be physically distant from the storage array. USB isn't really made to run long distances -- you need repeaters, and there are distance limitations, though you can get, and I have, optical transceivers for longer runs. Ethernet is designed for this and works fine with it.
Interestingly, Gorelkin emphasized that the console should not merely serve as a platform for porting old games but also for popularizing domestic video games.
Apparently state-subsidized efforts have not yet popularized appropriate domestic games on their own.
I agree -- and before DnT, there was P3P, which also would have done it -- but it is what it is at the moment.
I'm mostly exasperated with it because I wipe all cookies each browser restart, which is a much more-reliable and less-obnoxious solution than the EU's regulatory approach of trying to convince the remote end not to make use of its ability to set them. If you do that, you get the cookie banner every time on sites that show it, which means that the cookie banner regulation has made my experience rather worse. And unfortunately, some sites show the banner to non-EU-based users -- we don't elect EU representatives, but we still get some spillover from their policies.
There's some Firefox plugin that will try to hide the cookie banners:
EDIT: Yeah, from the description on there, the author is doing exactly what I am with the "not retaining cookies" approach, and smacking into how poorly that interacts with the cookie banner regulation: