Yeah, you're totally right. I've leaned into the "rather chill than sweat" gaming camp in the last few years. It's nice to play games that are friendly and non-violent. SDV and Talos Principle 2 have been my gotos recently.
joined 1 year ago
Nah, my friends don't actually care, this is tongue in cheek for all the times I'm playing SDV and they're all masochistically playing From Soft games. That's why I said "imaginary" judgement.
Everybody up in here talking about porn games... I just want to be able to hide Stardew Valley so I can avoid the imaginary judgment of my friends playing much harder or competitive games.
Yeah, I don't really see much of an issue here. If you get a defective chip back, it's probably a good data point to know if it was "abused". Even if it's just so you can ask more questions, or prioritize problems that show up on non-OC'd chips rather than flat rejecting an RMA.
I didn't mind the pie chart, the slices are labeled clearly, no need to use coloring like you have to read a legend.