It's certainly existed for years and it's a nice release, such as it is. However, the absolute lack of IPv6 and abject refusal to incorporate WireGuard for Reasons^TM^ led to me going back to OpenBSD and OpenWRT, personally. They seem to have a WIP towards finally incorporating WireGuard, but IPv6 is still AWOL, which is fatal for my use-case.
joined 2 years ago
To speed up DNF:
I have found that RHEL/Rocky/Alma are very much faster at updating using DNF than Fedora, though I don't know why.
Here's mine, if this helps? I have WireGuard running on an Alpine LXC on my LAN, and use it to connect back home. I can SSH to or use resources from any other machine on the LAN while connected. You'll need to amend the include rules to match whatever distro you're using (the paths will be different), and you can add whatever rules you wish under the LAN section to allow local access to the WireGuard 'host' for other services (eg SSH).
There's also a lot of useful info on the Pro Custodibus blog.