let's just do like all parents buying the last Call of Duty to their 10-year-old and just don't give a fuck about PEGI.
joined 2 years ago
The diagnosis came right after "Devo shirt" (amazing band)
and the day after, one of their local offices got tagged with X. Extremists groups in France have clearly chosen their platform. https://www.ouest-france.fr/societe/faits-divers/la-vitrine-de-la-redaction-ouest-france-a-lorient-taguee-x-351c961e-a75c-11ef-b5f5-e7aa8444a877
ils font + pour booster les ventes de VPN que tout le Youtube game
3 anciens sinistres de l'intérieur dans le gouvernement.... j'imagine qu'au moins, les flics sont contents.