Yeah. It’s well past my bedtime. I shouldn’t be online
Kagi and sealngx figured it out just fine. Turns out if your goal isn’t to show advertisements then it’s not that hard of a problem.
Gotta stop the cuddle to do that.
That’s a great point. Sorry for insinuating that all of Russia agrees with putins policies.
Yeah cuz musk is on Russia’s side and Russia is the one flooding the platform with bots. It doesn’t have to be conspiratorial levels of stuff, in another article they literally said it was an automated action due to reports. So Russia bots mass reported, it got removed, then someone at Twitter (probably not musk) reinstated the account after receiving a message about it.
One year. The will smith spaghetti video came out last year. It’s progressing at an impossible pace already.
Telling your house to go to sleep when you’re ready is much easier than stopping the cuddle with your wife or animals to press a button.
Which it doesn’t compete with at all.
No, it’s literally called lobbying, even when scientists and non-profits do it. Hence why it’s allowed, it was a way for people to tell senators what they didn’t know.
Congresspeople would be even less informed than they are currently if there was no lobbying. There definitely needs to be limits to lobbying, but scientists lobby too, that’s why we have laws around ozone, chemicals in water, etc.
I think it would probably be more like several days.
Gmail was an experiment for over a decade.