By scaling entire price? Yeah.
and society generally looks down on you for being "uneducated" and not working a job of value like white collar work.
Man, America is so wild.
Blue collar shit work is the only thing you're capable of.
Is this... bad?.. It's even popular on youtube: lift technicians, lathe operator, subway drivers.
There is even very popular English-speaking channel about repair with over 2M subscribers: Louis Rossmann.
Doctor Doofenshmirtz is up to something.
TF2 community greatly values efforts of The Janitor - sole full-time developer, fixing old bugs in TF2.
Depends on gradient, but yeah
I like trains
Rutracker's slogan: "Downloaded? Seed!"
Why is Russia black here?
That's the thing: power managment works correctly. It is pipewire that does not let power managnent to save power.
I use ALSA btw.
That's why he needed glasses.