Ah, memories.
Dockge + dockcheck.sh has made my life so much easier.
I tend to agree, but isn't it a little harder to control whom gets caught in that kind of constructive dismissal rather than targeted layoffs?
What do lemons have to do with it?
What do taxi drivers have to do with it?
It doesn't even need to appeal to you the user, but given the AI Gold Rush, they would have very unhappy investors if they did not.
I rolled out Dockge the other week, and it's solid. It can handle environment variables, but lacks other portainer features like controlling networks, volumes, building images, etc.
One big plus is that Dockge works really well with the dockcheck.sh script for updates, where as Portainer breaks that script.
I'm pretty sure everything Capcom touches has Denuvo.
Thanks for the reply. I've tried both Firefox and Obsidian containers from Linuxserver.io before, but when connecting I found there was no output. It made me wonder what was missing (like X11 or Wayland installed on the host) for an output to be generated.
I'm curious what the host machine for the Docker container is? Is it a headless server or something with a desktop/window manager?
Been looking to set up the Obsidian Docker container but I presently only run headless, so it sounds like a headache.
It's SanDisk, I expect the opposite - that every cell increases the volatility and chance of catastrophic failure.