
joined 1 week ago
[–] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Yes, 3+4 remakes. I'm for it. It has to be.

[–] 0 points 4 days ago (1 children)

From just headphone use? No, disagreed. From loud music? I used it as an example, I don't listen to loud music constantly as much anymore. You can't avoid Tinnitus because even if you didn't listen to loud music all of the time, being surrounded by loud noise in general will eventually get you there. I work in a store where people slam pallets down (for no stupid reason), screech pallet jacks, have noisy pallet jacks in general, ladder carts squeal and screech. We're not allowed to protect our ears because "CONSOOMER FIRST" priority.

Plus, where I live, people slam their doors around, they holler, babies and kids throwing fits. Yeah, it doesn't matter if I listen to loud music or not, I will develop Tinnitus because of the environments. It's an environment thing.

[–] 14 points 4 days ago (4 children)

I'm not buying it that it is headphone-related. I wear headphones nearly all of the time, I've listened to music loudly for years on end, I've had to deal with loud screeches, loud noise wherever I go, lived and worked.

It is totally an environmental thing. Plus, the article had already wrapped up what the problem was and a normal hearing test came back negative.

But they haaaaaad to find a reason in the next line. Just had to.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

He'll probably find it then be surprised that he's prosecuted for it. Play stupid games...

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

There aren't a lot of legal ramifications for simply discussing piracy online, other than attracting annoying moralistically conflicted people who're going to challenge you on the grounds of how acceptable piracy is. I would stick to piracy communities to avoid that.

Don't be an e-beggar. I wish sometimes pirates would stop catering to these people who beg and beg all of the time and not even give much of a thank you. They have a good chance of coming back and just asking for more things because they're too lazy to do the work themselves, subtracting all of the inability to do so for whatever reason.

Make your pirating patterns inconsistent on purpose, don't download massive amounts of data that will make you a blip on the radar and of course a VPN.

[–] 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You're not making a lot of sense here. And I don't really see where the simple act of discussing digital piracy would warrant it illegal. Now actually pirating is illegal and varies from person to person and location to location. It is something you just do and should already accept the risky circumstances involved in doing so.

I think asking for donations is a lot less attention grabbing, than it is getting advertisers, which is what the point of donations is for, is to prevent having to resort to advertising.