Unrelated, but hey there Raleigh lol
They stopped SELLING THEM TO US!!!
I lurk!! But, thanks y'all.
It's a shame, really. There's so much good there, and so much that I miss, but the gop wholeass hijacked the whole state.
There's a hotkey. Pain in the ass, sure, but less so with a programmable mmo mouse lol
It was standard for professional correspondence where I work, but then they took out the ruler function. Why they think mouse-drawn highlighting of text looks good, I'll never know. I asked for lightshot.
There's a million better ways to insult Caitlyn Jenner, such as referring to her as hot garbage!
It's the first thing I do when I'm breaking in a new android device: aggressively force-training it to accept all my usual expletives.
I've heard good things but haven't looked into it yet. Thing is, I got so good at vba that I got a promotion out of it lmao. As archaic as it is, my work is essentially hardcoded in windows for the foreseeable future, so I have to be able to dick around in msoffice.
It's my only hangup. I vba on the regular. Work forced win11 on me, but at home, once i can be assed, I'll vm windows eventually and migrate completely, and scheme alternative languages for my spreadsheet wizardry lmao
Well I suppose that reminds me, I ought to comment the why and the where a bit more lol
I fucking hate SharePoint. Excel performance is A G O N Y. pros: cloud backup & comments Cons: slow. As. Shit.