Wow, thats really elaborate. Thanks so much!
Yeah I'm really happy about some really good answers to my problem. This is my first non-experimental long used Linux system and when I started a year ago, I was experimenting with some stuff and added some repos that were recommended in some videos and blogs. And now I feel the pain of not keeping the count low :D Learning through pain is a real thing here.
Oh I didn't know about the priority system. That might help. I guess I'll try to figure out, if I need the wolfi repo in the first place and remove it if possible and in addition add OpenSUSE as a vendor of higher prio to avoid similar issues in the future.
I don't know why the repo was added anymore. I'll try a flag that was suggested in another response, or otherwise will try to remove the repo so it does not bother me anymore.
Tbh, I don't know if I needed it and added it myself, or if it was an oob Repo. I'll try to use the flag though. Thanks!
You're right. Giving 30% for really fucking good platform services is way worse than having to find a publisher that takes in 70 to 90% of revenue and pushes devs to release unfinished games.
I'm not on Plasma 6 yet. I'm undecided whether I should do the switch as it defaulta to wayland, but Wayland seems to be not the best choice right now.
Hm, that's sad. But I'd rather have it not just vanish, though. Is there a good replacement?
I need the colored one as a sticker to cover that weird square thingy on my super keys.
Try NewPipe, be happy.
I wish they would finally add native vertical tabs. One of the few things I really appreciated about the latest Edge.
You're absolute right with the random repos. Yet, when I started a year ago, I was pretty new to the whole linux thing and allowed myself some experimenting.