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Like the old Reddit style ?

Cool links !


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founded 1 year ago
How it be (
submitted 25 minutes ago by to c/

DPRK social media innovation when?


A fungus sits at the intersection of the social web (Mastodon, Pixelfed, Lemmy, etc.), the semantic web (knowledgraphs like and decentralized federated learning.

This means it represents the "computation web"-aspect in the above picture. Together with other similar agents, it result in a decentralized, federated web of AI agents that work on open, shared data and are open to communities. Everybody should be able to set up their own fungus service and help to grow an AI model of their choice. I call this the "fungiverse" or "mycelial web".

A fungus web-service ...

  • answers user requests over the social web
  • users are also able to insert knowledge via posting to a hashtag the fungus listens on
  • writes and reads data from the semantic web to collaborate with other fungi agents (this would ideally done with decentralized technology like solid pods, or other knowledge graphs, e.g. like or an own fuseki server)
  • develops a shared AI model (which is also written to the semantic web) based on decentralized federated learning (which would be ideally be based on something like FlowerAi, but isn't at the moment).

The three parts can be thought of as a social network, a chat bot network and a knowledge graph (like a wiki for data), with all of the three aspects interlinked - the fungus drawing its data from the knowledge graph and being available in the social web as a bot, the social network to give access to the knowledge base and AI bots through bots, and the knowledge base, which can be viewed as a wiki with the bots that currently work on it and the comments from the social network. From a users perspective, the fungus appears as a chat bot interface (with the ability to view all bots its connected to and to which they are connected to etc.), the knowledge base would appear as a wiki like and the social network as a network like Mastodon.

The idea is that every user can install all of these three aspects on their own local PC to participate in the overall network (meaning having access to the social network, accessing global knowledge graphs and participating in decentralized learning to train their own bot).


In its behaviour its similar to that of a fungus (hence the name):

The shared model data can be thought of as the spores, which are also used by other fungi to adjust their models. The resulting AI chats available to the users are the "fruits" of the fungi.

Roughly, a fungi's behaviour is defined by a protocol, for example SPORE.

The following fungus is able to make song recommendations to the user:

Here is a more technical description of a fungus and its incentives for human-fungus-interaction.


I've always bought my games on steam or OFFICIAL key resellers (GMG) since I was an adult, but sometimes it has got really expensive.

Do you consider 'cracked games' safe for your PC, your data, and finally your privacy?

You should always support developers, but it's not always possible.


publication croisée depuis :


Législative partielle en Isère : Gaelle Offranc-Piret recueille 7,6% des voix, un score historique pour Équinoxe

Malgré la faible médiatisation, notre campagne de terrain a porté ses fruits. Notre approche novatrice des urgences démocratiques, écologiques, économiques et sociales a su convaincre et mobiliser nos concitoyens. L'intérêt et l'espoir qu'a suscités cette campagne sont prometteurs pour l'avenir de notre parti. Gaelle Offranc-Piret ne donnera pas de consigne de vote :

<< Nous faisons confiance à nos électeurs pour choisir le candidat qui correspond le mieux à leurs aspirations. Nous ne voulons pas céder au jeu des consignes de vote, préférant respecter la liberté et la capacité de discernement de chacun. »>

Avant le second tour, nous voulons tout de même rappeler les priorités d'Équinoxe: préparer demain en organisant le changement de nos modes de vie, notamment en décarbonant réellement et massivement notre société et notre économie.

Pour cela, nous souhaitons impliquer tous les citoyens et les citoyennes, en changeant les institutions démocratiques et les pratiques politiques (débats constructifs, transparence) afin de retrouver collectivement confiance dans l'action publique.

Gaelle Offranc-Piret a apprécié l'échange qu'elle a eu avec les deux candidats. Ils se sont montrés ouverts à défendre ensemble nos points de convergence.

Suite à cette rencontre, Équinoxe souhaite tout de même apporter certaines clés de lecture pour éclairer le choix des électeurs :

• La France insoumise et le NFP: ces formations soulèvent des questions importantes, mais manquent de rigueur sur des sujets essentiels comme le nucléaire, la sécurité et la gestion budgétaire. La communication clivante de LFI ne correspond pas à notre vision d'un débat politique constructif.

• Le camp présidentiel : malgré leur approche plus pragmatique et ouverte, les avancées écologiques restent insuffisantes et privilégient des solutions technosolutionnistes au détriment d'une vision globale. De plus, leur politique semble souvent profiter aux plus aisés, laissant trop de Français vulnérables sur le bord du chemin. ÉQUINOXE


Like what do I even do at this point. Its a free app and these reviews hurt app store performance,


In the graveyard of live service games Concord may just be the biggest headstone, and that seems to have focused some minds over at PlayStation. Previously the noises coming from Sony were all about the importance of live service games to its future strategy, and it had announced plans to launch more than 10 live service games by the 2025 fiscal year, which ends on March 31, 2026.

Now? Not so much. A new Bloomberg report reveals that "following a recent review" PlayStation has canceled two unannounced live service games in development at subsidiaries Bend Studio and Bluepoint Games. Bend is best-known for Days Gone and, back in the day, Syphon Filter, while Bluepoint mainly handles high-profile remakes like Demon's Souls.

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