FF7 cost about $90M when adjusted for inflation and was one of the most expensive games to developed in it's time, but yh, yOu CaN't MaKe A gOoD gAmE fOr LeSs ThAn $300M!!!
Ah right, I thought you were doing a monkey's paw thing
Jokes on you, parents are already divorced.
Dude, sisters are so much worse. Brothers fight and then it's over, sisters are cold blooded.
Everyone likes at least some classical music, most people are far too cool to admit it though.
It's a joke. The implication is that the repeated playing of Baby Shark could be considered torture, other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment and punishment.
The mob is fickle, brother.
The hive mind has concluded AI=bad and any comment that doesn't go along with the consensus is going to get downvotes.
It's really not that different from the beginning of the industrial revolution, when cotton mills first started to implement the spinning jenny, leaving many workers out of a job who'd go in to the factories at night to smash the machines up.
No one wants to go back to spinning cotton all day now though and it will be the same with jobs taken by AI.
Well your comment sounded like you were implying that regulations are needed that currently aren't there.
I used to be against losing the headphone jack, but now I'm without one, I honestly don't miss it.
No more wires getting caught, tangled or damaged and the sound quality is just as good unless you're an audio engineer.
This is the most pedantic reply so far.
Not sure if satire.
Being not racist is woke now? I thought it was just normal.