Those corporations are the ones who push for those layers to make it feel harder for you to do your own thing.
Fucking ignore them.
Boy, this is the internet.
If you’re being sarcastic you better throw a /s on there because no one can tell in 2024 if your a chucklehead or if you’re high on Ivermectin.
Frigidaire’s is just as bad
Yeah because cartoons never repeat a joke
It’s probably not blocking DNS-over-HTTPS
The media loves shit like this because they don’t want media to be a passive choice. They want to feed it to you. They want to push it deep into your brain. They want flyers, they want certified mail, they want propaganda. Because it is profitable.
Websites are easy to leave, ignore, or forget. They’d have to work for your attention.
Email just shows up.
It’s gotta be less general than that; I don’t want my bank account on the open web for example.
Using ansible and opentofu from an LXC on your Proxmox host
Sometimes, programs just need to be simple.
Put that AI shit in Word, notepad is supposed to be a plain text editor and it did so quite well.
“Do one thing and do it very well” - Unix philosophy
Boeing bout to have a scapegoat lol