I've seen this episode of Black Mirror.
I dont know how I have missed this, but i highly recommend this masterpiece to anyone planning to binge a couple of shows tonight.
I was there. In the ancient times.
Don't forget massive cuts to Social Security and a hit on any pension money the organization can get its hands on.
Trumper shocked Pikachu.
I have spent years trying to find a Super Mario World or Super Mario Galaxy feel to games. I am not looking for photo realistic. I am looking for a game.
Take that 3.5 floppy you got in the mail and break the tab so that you could read / write.
Doom and Wolf3d for my buddies. Rise of the Triad.
If you are operating a motor vehicle, you are required to hold a license to operate that vehicle. Ergo, if you are operating the vehicle, the police can ask for proof of your licensure to operate that vehicle, and you are reauired to produce it. That is not covered under search and seizure.
I'm calling it now.
Windows 11 will be the new Windows 8. Or NT. Or millennium.