It's a new coding paradigm, I will take some time getting used to looking for libraries in the uyghur/tianamen
They can use the same name but if the owner signs their commits we can at least spot the fake commits.
And even if they clone all repos they don't clone the build systems, so their builds of apps and windows installers will be signed with different keys.
For people who follow guides to clone something from a repo, compile it and install it, they need to be on their guard if the repo URL is not the official one.
Install WordPerfect 5.1 on the Pocket386 for a more retro feel.
We can hope that the missing 45B will be critical for tesla to keep its market share, and then we end up getting good EV's
It's a plus if trump's supporters are scammed before he can fleece them, let the convicted felons well dry up while other scammers get rich.
Then there's more 'uhm' and 'aah' involved.
I use them but they are definitely made to be annoying.
- Start
- No I don't use a mobile app
- Takeaway
- Burgers
- Big Mac menu
- Fries
- Cola
- Add to basket
- No I don't want extra
- Pay
- No I don't want extra
- Pay here
- Pay with credit card
- Finally pay
- Printer is not working
- Oh what was my number?
I don't think Steam and Wine works on RISC-V? Especially if Wine uses native x86 instructions.
But maybe in the future games will be recompiled for RISC-V, wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being a checkbox on Godot.
I really don't care, most YouTubers I watch use Patreon and Twitch subscriptions for the bulk of their finances, think they buy candy with the pennies YouTube sends them.
I occasionally buy merch from them, that's my support.
The key is stored in $APPDATA\WelcomeMat
I found the box art for Mushroom Plumber 64