It was definitely a headache for me as well, but you need a guest agent (like vmwaretools or qemu-guest-agent), a cloud init ready template for the distro of your choice, a cloud init config file (network/user/vendor) and a custom SCSI/ide cloudinit cdrom mounted at boot on your VM. You also can find cloudinit logs on your VM to try and figure out what's missing or what went wrong.
For reference, Apple currently has roughly 70 billion USD as cash on hands. 2.5 million USD is 0.0035% of their cash reserves.
If you have a yearly salary of 50k USD, that would be equivalent to losing 1.78 USD.
I am bad at math, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
T'es un héritier ou une personne dont les parents connaissent les bonnes personnes. Ou t'es un grindeur sigma qui se lève à 4h du mat pour être un market disruptor.
Encore un coup de ces sales gauchistes ça. Imaginez les impacts sur l'économie et la productivité si tout le monde travaille un jour de moins !
Par contre les 50 types en procès pour viol sur Gisèle Pelicot on a pas communiqué sur leur nationalité ou leurs origines tiens.
Facile tu changes en Le Bit à Bidule et ça passe nickel
Another case that demonstrates they'll always comply with the law in the end. You just need to make sure your laws and your legislation are rock solid.
"We should do something about this" - COPXX
You have to stomp faces to get to this kind of wealth, pretty much all billionaires have empathy issues, either from birth or acquired.
Well he's a billionaire so he probably does have some already, what needs to be done is to make these accessible to the public and sell the data to private companies. Just to see how this fucks feels about it.
Asshole billionaire founder of asshole company Oracle. For reference, they sell cloud solutions and AI shit. What he says is that he wouldn't mind a totalitarian surveillance regime of us peasants to make a quick buck.
L'idée c'est pas de leur demander leur avis surtout. Et de les faire payer leur part à la hauteur de leurs revenus/patrimoine.