While I agree the issue you raise does make sense in some situations, it derivates from the initial concern : if you don't want your domain listed in a DNS record you certainly don't want it to be indexed by a search engine :p
That's still my point, for example you could inject your own login system "create an account to keep track of your favorite artists, or some new shiny feature". For there you can get people's personal information, potentially a password they use on other services.
An URL is something the general public will trust, if the content can be messed with you repurpose the website's reputation. I took phishing as an example but even my not-so-creative and non-expert brain can think of other things : asking for donations, propaganda, advertising, censorship, ...
And it's not only about user data, it would also expose the website to content spoofing in public wifi, which would for example allow the attacker to inject fishing content in the website.
SSL encrypts the data you're sending but it also ensures that you're communicating only with who you think you are. Without SSL you can't be confident about any of that.
The thought that internet becomes shitty enough that you need a GPU to browse it is really frightening me. If we really reach that point that may be to run an AI which filters out AI generated spam which would really depress me 😭
Have you given a try to Organic Maps ? It is more friendly than OSMAnd Although, it still lacks a better search bar I think.
Yeah, people who built those modern technologies are mostly over 50, I suppose.
Most search engines are just bing. Search engines are roughly in the same state of non-diversity as web browsers :/
On a lighter note, the protocol might be proprietary but the bridge still seems to be fully open source : https://github.com/ProtonMail/proton-bridge
I don't think think Proton shows bad will on this one. The only alternative I can think of (as a non expert) would be IMAP + GPG encrypted emails but very few desktop clients support GPG, which would make them less accessible 🤷♂️ Having their own protocol also probably makes it much much easier for them to iterate on it, opening up usually makes think much robust but also slower.
And on the other hand it is a very obvious question to expect. If you have something hide how on the world are you not prepared for this question !? 🤡
Yeah, the fact that AI progress just relies on "we will make so much money that no lawsuit will consequently alter our growth" is really infuriating. The fact that general audience apparently doesn't care is even more infuriating.
I think that's one thing about open source project : a lot of people work for free so they invest time on what they want and like. I don't know if it's what happens here, but I think in general it is not fair to ask for an optimal time management in open source communities.
I've always conjectured that good Makefiles existed but never seen one (or only for tiny projects). The core semantic of Makefiles is clear and straight to the point, I think the issue is in all the magic that was added to that to spare a few lines.