I played GTA V online with three of my friends, and had about 900 hours of play. Then one day, bam, they literally cut anyone using Linux off from being able to connect to the servers. It just leaves a real bad taste in my mouth, because I would have probably gone to RDR2 next, and might have even bought RDR on my Switch. Voting with my wallet is all I can do, and at this point it feels like voting for a president. My tiny little vote won't really amount to much, but hey at least I can feel good about standing on my principals. Like someone else said, they have 30 year backlog of games, and I have similar. So not playing either GTA V online anymore or buying GTA VI won't really affect me in the long run as far as hindering my enjoyment of other games so there's that...
~~if it’s higher than $60,~~ R* can lick my taint.
Well that's a ripe take on this. Evidently you don't know anyone who runs Linux and played GTA V online. Rockstar can fuck right off for what they pulled. Definitely didn't earn any trust, and Windows users should be wary as well since they did that with no notice and no fucks given to a portion of their paid users.
Or just have the cashier who had to unlock the case and get you the box open it and ensure there is a cart inside before you leave the store.
For all the linux and Steam Deck users who used to be able to play GTA Online here's a cheat code for you: FuckRockstar.
Software "passing" a written test where it has been fed all of the answers is not that impressive to me, except from a programming standpoint. From the intelligence standpoint, not so much. Just because it can pass the bar doesn't make it lawyer worthy. This software cannot think, and that is ultimately what you pay a lawyer to do. None of this software is coming up with new thoughts, it's just regurgitating what it has been fed.
Gotcha. Well, I guess being an old guy and having never correlated someone's computer background to any kind of meaning other than they like that particular background, I guess I don't see anything into it. But hey, I work with a bunch of terminals all day long so there's not an opportunity to customize things there, and the one work machine that has a gui, I have just left the background as the default. That is a rule of mine, nothing personal on the work laptop.
younger me would’ve freaked out by the idea of having proprietary files
That's good for starters. What do you mean by "younger me would’ve freaked out by the idea of having proprietary files"? Exactly what proprietary files are you talking about? Background pics are usually jpeg, or png, and those are not proprietary to linux, so I think that's part of what has everyone confused about this. Are you also insinuating that people can only use certain backgrounds based on either belief or their own actual background? I am curious to hear your explanation if you aren't a llm. And by the way, saying you don't use chatgpt is exactly what I would expect chatgpt to reply with. LOL. I keed I keed.
When you say 'younger me' do you mean like four year old you, because eight year old current you doesn't make sense? I have no idea what the whole point of this post is, other than it must be some chatgpt output someone thought would be funny to throw out.
If you have multiple profiles set up on one switch, before you start a game it will ask you which profile is playing. Any save info for that gaming session will be tied to that profile. Anyone with a Switch can use the physical media with the caveat that only one person can be playing it at a time. Now if you buy the games online, you won't need the physical media, but the game is tied to the account. As for cost, well it can get expensive and my family usually reserved the large purchases for things like birthdays or christmas. If I had a nickel for every dollar I have spent on gaming systems over the years, I would be able to retire. :)
I guess the real pisser here was that the online component worked just fine. They made an active decision to just cut off linux players which was a real dick move.