They shouldn't buy the house to begin with, how are you having trouble following such a simple argument?
You make it sounds so sexy
This reads like a sponsored ad.
What are you on about, Google is complete shit.
DuckDuckGo is not good. It's only marginally less pathetic than Google, but that has to do for the time being.
"Hurr durr, both of these things are the same even though they're clearly different".
Building anything requires trigonometry, unless you just say "fuck it" and hope the thing doesn't fall apart, which is a pretty stupid way to live life.
I.e. day 1209 of not doing anything useful or being a poet. Are you a poet?
I offered an example. Unfortunately, you seem unable to think rationally.
I run a equine and livestock rescue, and pay for peoples animals vet bills…out of my own pocket…
Which doesn't preclude you being a bad person. Hitler was very much in favor of minimizing pollution and afforestation, for instance. I.E. Non Sequitur, doing a good thing doesn't by itself make you a good person.
the fuck are you to tell me my moral code is broken…
A human being capable of rational though, exactly like you - only I stopped to think about this issue in particular, and you haven't, choosing to reply emotionally instead.
which always ends in dictatorship and death from those who want to keep it in place
False, observably. In fact, you're arguing from the position of proving a positive statement from a negative propostion, which is a fallacy.
I'm not naïve, it's just that you are a bad person whose moral code can't fathom working not for oneself, but for the betterment of the collective.
I already do just that, by the way - study for the sake of knowledge, not for increasing my capital.
Risk my ass, they take in profit off of doing nothing.
Guess what? In the mean time, you've paid for these repairs with your rent, plus the repairs of any other property the landlord has.
If my grandmother had wheels she'd be a bicycle.
Non sequitur, none of your arguments support this conclusion.
If you want the current rent model so much, do you know who could do the exact same job much cheaper? The State itself.