More like
One offers to shoot you in the head and kill your loved ones.
One offers to shoot you in the head and kill a bunch of strangers.
More like
One offers to shoot you in the head and kill your loved ones.
One offers to shoot you in the head and kill a bunch of strangers.
Ooh, unlucky! You just happened to be one of the "sacrifices" they had to make!
Who destroyed the Gaza Strip to begin with?
There would be no "Trump plan to rebuild Gaza" is Gaza wasn't destroyed under Biden.
Why are you so "on board" with the destruction and genocide of Palestinians as long as it's a Democrat doing it?
Conducting a genocide automatically removes all "progressive" credibility as it's the worst and least progressive thing you can do.
Calling him progressive, let alone "The most progressive" is an insult to the very idea of "progress" and legitimizes genocide.
Grab a piece of paper and list the ways in which he was "progressive" and explain, on paper, how they excuse his genocide. Read it back out loud.
Also maybe stop insulting people, calling them morons, for not ignoring his genocide.
Of course the German "constitution" starts off telling you to die /s
If you already made and read back a list of all of Bidens progressive policies and the ways they excuse his genocide in the 4 minutes it took you to respond, then that itself proves both that he wasn't very progressive and also it doesn't take much to get you personally on board with genocide.